(The Lord Wants to Reach The World Through You)
TO THE BIBLE – 1 Peter 2:9 AMPC
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
It may sound incredulous to the religious minds of this world to think that God Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, needs you. But in reality He does! He needs you to reach the world for Him. Whenever He wants to do something, He does it through people. Contrary to the opinion of many, He doesn’t just do whatever He desires on earth; He needs the invitation of man to actualise His plans on earth.
When He wants something done, He looks for someone through whom He can achieve His plan. For example, when He wanted to cut a covenant with man, He found Abraham; when He wanted to deliver the children of Israel, He found Moses; when He wanted to deliver mankind from the dominion of sin and death, He sent His Son in the form of a man. In the same way, God needs you in your world.
Jesus said, “…The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Luke 10:2 NIV). If God could do it all alone, why would He rely on labourers in the field? You see, we’re living in the last days, which is also the day of harvest. Souls are being won to Christ like never before in the history of man. This period will ultimately culminate in the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Your role, during this period, is to tell people what Jesus has done for you.
There’re people you meet in your world that I may never meet until we get to heaven. I’m talking about your neighbours, schoolmates, friends, and family members. God wants you to carry the message of salvation to them; He wants you to win and also disciple them. There’s nothing more glorious than that!
Go Deeper
Colossians 1:27-29; Matthew 28:19
Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for the privilege and opportunity to take your Word to my world. Let your Word from my lips come forth with power that those who hear me today may receive eternal life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Luke 6:17-49, Deuteronomy 31-32
Matthew 26:1-13, Exodus 35
Pray to the Lord to send more labourers like yourself into the field of people everywhere today.
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