(Get Trained In The Faith-Life)
TO THE BIBLE: 1 Timothy 4:8 AMPC
“For physical training is of some value (useful for a little), but godliness (spiritual training) is useful and of value in everything and in every way, for it holds promise for the present life and also for the life which is to come.”
The physical world is governed by principles, and it’s the same way in God’s spiritual Kingdom. To have the principles of God’s Kingdom work for you, you’ve got to learn and apply them. The principle of faith, for instance, is one you must constantly practise to have it operative in your life. Perhaps, when you started learning the Word of faith, you didn’t quite get the kind of results you desired each time you demonstrated your faith. As with other things where we desire perfection, you’ve got to keep training yourself in the faith-life. Keep learning more of God’s Word, and soon you’ll have a more productive faith-life.
You can train your faith to accomplish anything. In the area of your academics, for instance, you can watch yourself grow from one level to another. Imagine if in acting your faith, you said you would pass all your eight papers with flying colours in the first semester of college, but you ended up passing six of them; don’t feel bad. Instead, say “Next time, I’ll get it right.” Then straightaway begin to study and meditate on the Word voraciously, and put your faith to work at every opportunity. That way, you’ll be training your faith to grow and accomplish bigger things.
This is not only applicable to your academics, but to every area of life—your finances, health, relationships etc. You can train your faith with the Word so much that you know, of a truth, that nothing is impossible for you. So keep growing your faith! Feed on the right spiritual materials. Take advantage of every opportunity to practise your faith, and not only will your faith grow rapidly and mightily, it will prevail against all odds and adversities of life.
Go Deeper
1 Timothy 4:8; Hebrews 5:14
My faith is working and producing results today! I refuse to remain at the lower levels of faith; rather, as I exercise my faith-muscles by learning, meditating on, and doing the Word, my faith grows rapidly and prevails. Hallelujah!
Daily Bible Reading
John 2:1-25, 2 Samuel 20-21
1 Corinthians 4:1-10, Proverbs 1
Declare words of faith over your family, finances, health and everything else that concerns you today.
My Notes
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Everything i listen from pastor Chris it’s so strong thank you Lord thank you Jesus.
Everythings so excellent.