“Remember that the person who plants few seeds will have a small crop; the one who plants many seeds will have a large crop”(2 Corinthians 9:6 GNB).
Any good farmer will tell you that your harvest for the next season will be dependent on the quality of seeds sown during the planting season. A man who grows yams, for example, and eats up all the best tubers, and plants the shriveled ones will be foolish to expect a bountiful harvest. In the same way, when money comes into your hands, you ought to be smart enough to know you shouldn’t spend it all up and sow the smallest part of it!
Besides giving your tithes and offering, you should consciously sow quality seeds from the money God blesses you with. This is the way to move higher in your financesby sowing your seeds and trusting God to multiply them. There isn’t any mystery about why some of God’s children are doing better financially than others-it all depends on the quality of seed they’re sowing from the harvest they got. Nobody is small; it’s what you do with your seed that matters. What you need do is have faith in the Word of God-put your faith into your seed and sow it.
Whenever you receive money, always remember to put some aside as seed offering to the Lord. Always think of sowing into God’s work. Consequently, the Lord will cause all grace to abound towards you, so that you will always have everything you need and more so that there will be enough for your own needs, but plenty left over to give joyfully to others.
Further Study:
Genesis 8:22;
2 Corinthians 9:8 CEV
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