(God Has Made You A King and A Priest)
TO THE BIBLE – Revelation 5:10 AMPC
“… You have made them a kingdom (royal race) and priests to our God, and they shall reign [as kings] over the earth!”
Our opening scripture above may sound too big to the religious mind, but it’s the truth for everyone who’s born again. It’s not a promise; it’s a statement of fact, a present-hour reality. You’ve got to realise that the life of God in you has made you a king. Even if the circumstances of your life suggest the contrary, you’re still a king. God sees a king whenever He looks at you.
When God created the first man, He made him a king (Genesis 1:26) and then commanded him to take dominion over everything He created. He instructed him to “…Be fruitful, and multiply; and fill the earth and subdue it…” (Genesis 1:28). Therefore, refuse to stoop or cower before anyone or any situation, for you’re not a beggar; you’re a child of God. It’s your responsibility to make the circumstances of your life subject to God’s Word.
As a priest of God, prayer is your solemn and sovereign responsibility. However, your understanding of your kingly status will ultimately influence how you carry out this priestly responsibility. You’re not meant to beg for anything you desire; you should declare what you want.
The reason many aren’t living as kings is their ignorance of God’s Word (Galatians 4:1). You must let the Word build and train you in the things of God. You must come into your position as a king and a priest of God. Then your life will be filled with testimonies, and you’ll continue to experience the miraculous.
Go Deeper
Malachi 2:7; 2 Peter 3:18
Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for the honour and privilege of ruling as a king and ministering through your Spirit to you and to my world as a priest. Thank you for teaching me how to function in your grace and filling me with wisdom to function effectively as a king and a priest to your glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Luke 8:1-21, Joshua 3-4
Matthew 26:36-46, Exodus 38
Make decrees as a king, and prophesy as a priest all the day long.
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