(You’ve Got The Spirit Of Excellence In You)
TO THE BIBLE: Daniel 6:3
“Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.”
“Oh come on, not another F!” Sammie fumed, as he checked his class scores online. “What do I tell Dad now? Not even one C!” he thought. Just as his mind was literally racing with thoughts of what to do, he heard Liam, his best bud, call out to him across the hallway.
“I got all A’s, bro!” Liam bellowed, “I’m so pumped right now!”
“Wow man, I really need what you’ve got—show me how you always come out on tops!”
Liam was born again and had an excellent spirit—that was his secret. If you’re born again, God has already put in you an excellent spirit. In Scripture, Daniel was characterised as one who was distinguished and dealt excellently in his affairs because “an excellent spirit was in him” (Daniel 6:3). Anointed men and women in the Old Testament had the Holy Spirit “come upon them” but now He lives in you! He’s the Spirit of excellence, and He causes you to excel in everything you do.
To “excel” means “to distinguish oneself,” “to stand out and surpass laid down standards,” and “to do something to a greater degree than the normal or required standards.” Consistently, at home, school and everywhere else, you ought to distinguish yourself and stand out from the crowd! Choose to excel; make the conscious effort to improve your mind by studying the right materials. Your results should be impeccable, outstanding and inspiring. You don’t have to pray to God to make you excel, for excellence is in you; all you need do is recognise it and express it.
Go Deeper
Proverbs 17:27; Proverbs 22:29
Dear Father, thank you for giving me an excellent spirit, and for sending the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of excellence to live in me and produce excellence in me. I excel in all my endeavours, and do things right the first time, because the Spirit of excellence is at work in me powerfully, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Ephesians 1:15-2:1-10, Isaiah 13-14
1 Timothy 6:17-21, Jeremiah 42
Spend some time to study your schoolbooks, and put the excellent spirit in you to work.
My Notes
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I’m grateful to God and to his son Christ Jesus for bringing me into the SUPERNATURAL WORLD of
the BLW, God has been faithful and may he continue to Bless His Son Pst Christ for his teaching are beyond measure, god Bless you Daddy for been a Blessing an a soul opener to my life.