You can train yourself to become an effective intercessor, and to do that, you’re going to train yourself to spend time in prayer.
As a student in high school, I couldn’t run very fast. Since sprinting was out of the question for me, I began to think of something else I could participate in during our annual sports day. Then I figured that since there were people who could run very fast but not for long, there’d also be those who might not be
able to run very fast but could run for a long period.
I concluded that I fell in that second category and started training for long-distance running with a friend.
We chose to try the 800m race, and very early every morning, we did several laps around the school field.
Though I eventually didn’t run in any competitive race, I practised. It was tough going at first, and I felt like quitting after the first lap, but I discovered it got easier each morning we trained. After some weeks of consistent practice, not only was I able to complete the laps, I was also able to maintain my speed and even go faster.
I learnt a powerful principle from this: anything you practise consistently long enough will get into your system and become a part of you.
I also discovered I could break myself spiritually and discipline myself to pray using this principle. I would set the alarm on my clock to wake me up at a certain time during the night, and then I’d spend some time praying for different people and events. The more I did this, the easier it became, until I didn’t need
an alarm clock to wake me up anymore. It just became natural for me to get up at that time to pray. At the beginning it was hard, but I knew I didn’t need anybody to do it for me; it was my responsibility to train myself to pray. This is what you must do also.
Remember, the rule in intercession is that you’re persistent and continue in prayer for as long as is necessary. You don’t stop praying until you have a note of victory in your spirit. When you do, you’ll find yourself singing or laughing in the spirit. This laughter comes from your spirit. As David said, your heart begins to “indite” a good matter (Psalm 45:1). You bubble over with joy and laughter from your spirit. That’s when you know your ministry of intercession has been fulfilled for that matter.
you bless my soul pastor.