(Be Quick To Act On Spiritual Instructions)
TO THE BIBLE: Luke 5:4-6 GNB
“When he finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Push the boat out further to the deep water, and you and your partners let down your nets for a catch.” “Master,” Simon answered, “we worked hard all night long and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will let down the nets.” They let them down and caught such a large number of fish that the nets were about to break.”
You’ve had a very long, busy day and now you’re heading home for some much-needed R and R. Just as you approach the intersection that takes you either homeward to the left or to church on the right, the Holy Spirit reminds you, “Today is Church Service.”
If you go left, and say, “Lord, you know I’m very tired today; I’ll attend the service next week,” what you’ve just done is train your spirit to respond slowly to the Lord. But if you say, “Wow, thank you Holy Spirit for reminding me,” and turn right and head straight to church, you’ve responded quickly to the prompting of the Spirit. You’ve acted swiftly on God’s Word, and that’s the kind of faith-response that gets His attention.
When you learn to respond swiftly to God, He’ll always respond quickly to you as well. It’s like when a father recognises the trust his little son has in him, he’ll do everything he can to keep that trust. The Lord protects your faith in Him. Some children read for exams, not because they care so much about the exams, but because they don’t want to let their parents down. The same way, some parents will do anything not to let their kids down. The Spirit of God works with us that way too.
When you train your spirit to respond to Him at once, He’ll start responding to you quickly. Why? He doesn’t want you to experience and learn delays, for His Word is absolutely dependable. Always be swift to act on God’s instructions. Never be hesitant or slothful to act on God’s instructions (Romans 12:11). Have a high propensity and love for doing the Word, for that’s how to honour the Lord in your life—acting swiftly on His instructions.
Go Deeper
Genesis 6:22-7:1; Psalm 40:8; Romans 12:11
Today, I open my heart and gladly receive the thoughts, instructions and counsel of the Spirit. I’m quick to respond to God’s Word. My mind and spirit are trained to act swiftly on God’s instruction for that’s where my promotion lies. I determine to be a prompt doer of the Word today. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Acts 23:12-35, Job 40-42
Galatians 4:12-20, Isaiah 35
Take some time to speak in tongues and get your spirit tuned to hear God’s instructions to you for the day.
My Notes
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