RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD (John 5:28-29; 1Thesselonians4:13-16; 1Cor 15:19)
Resurrection means restoration of life from dead or revival from death to life i.e. raising up from the dead. There are two kinds of resurrection: Spiritual and Physical.
a. Spiritual Resurrection
Spiritual resurrection is that of the spirit being quickened from death in trespasses and sin. Such resurrection causes one to be renewed in the glorious likeness of God. After physical death, the person cannot experience this spiritual death because it takes place only in this life.
b. Physical Resurrection
There are two kinds of physical resurrection: the righteous to life before the millennium and the wicked to damnation after the millennium. There will be 1000 years between the two resurrections. The righteous souls at the physical death, goes straight to heaven to wait for the second resurrection while the souls of the wicked goes to hell.
Eternal Judgement
This is a time after the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ when every soul will be recompensed or retributed for their works on earth according to the gospel of God. There would be two judgements:
A Christian Judgement for Reward (Rom 14:10; 1 Cor 3:11-15).
This judgement, which is for the souls, will take place in Heaven after the rapture. (Romans 8:1)
B Judgement of unbelievers for condemnation (Rev 20:11-15).
In the class, we learnt about the meaning of doctrine and why we need to have right doctrine. We also learnt some of the Foundational doctrines of Christ, such as Repentance from dead work, Faith towards God, Baptism, Laying on of hands, Resurrection and Judgement.
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