“You were lost sheep with no idea who you were or where you were going. Now you’re named and kept for good by the Shepherd of your souls”(1 Peter 2:25 MSG).
Some parents name their children on the basis of certain experiences they might have had before or during the conception of that child. The Bible tells us of Jacob who at birth held on to the heel of his twin brother, Esau, who actually came out first from the womb. When his father saw this, he named him “Jacob,” meaning “deceiver or schemer.” The name stuck and the young lad grew up to be a deceiver. He cheated his brother and got the right of the firstborn. He however couldn’t walk in the fullness of the blessing because God doesn’t walk with deceivers.
God had to first change his name before he could enjoy the fulness of the blessing.
God also names us with certain factors or considerations, nonetheless upon blessed experiences. If you’re born again, He names you, not by the suffering experience of Christ on the Cross, but by His victory over death, sin and the grave. By virtue of your new birth, God has given you a new name. It doesn’t matter what your past was like; you’re not a failure neither are you disadvantaged anymore. Now, you’re a success, a victor, and more than a conqueror.
Names are very important because your life is programmed to become whatever you’re called.
So, answer the right name. You have a new name in Christ. We’re a new creation, and the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; called to show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). You’re not “the poor” trying to be rich; you’re “the rich” discovering his inheritance. You’re not “the sick or the weak”; you’re “the strong.” These are your new names that you must answer.
Further Study:
Isaiah 61:6;
Isaiah 49:1
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