(How Committed Are You To God’s Vision?)
TO THE BIBLE: Acts 20:23-24 CEV
“In every city I visit, I am told by the Holy Spirit that I will be put in jail and will be in trouble in Jerusalem. But I don’t care what happens to me, as long as I finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do. And that work is to tell the good news about God’s great kindness.”
With the news media in the world today, it’s easy to think Satan has many people he uses to wreak havoc and destroy human lives. But you need to realise that God has many more people evangelising the world with His Word. These are people who have given their money, time, talents, and resources to see that the gospel reaches the ends of the earth. They are so sold out to this vision that they count nothing too much to put into the gospel.
The question is: ‘’Are you one of such people? Do you see yourself in God’s evangelical plan for the world?” It’s important that you do, because soul winning is God’s number one priority; He wants everyone around the world to know how much He loves them and how they can receive Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. This should matter to you.
Become passionate about winning souls to Christ, and you can start with those closest to you — your family, friends, neighbours, and schoolmates.
Go Deeper
2 Timothy 4:2, Matthew 6:33
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for counting me faithful and worthy to bring others to Christ. I commit myself to sharing the Good news of your love with everyone I meet. Thank you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Matthew 25:31-46, Exodus 31
Acts 15:32-41, Psalm 1-2
Make a list of ten people you will reach out to with the Gospel this month. Have their names with you during your times of prayer. Speak God’s Word over them, and reach out to them by faith.
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