…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
The greatest thing that could ever happen to a human person is to know and have Jesus Christ in his life. When Christ is manifested in your life, everything that’s not of God will leave. When He’s manifested in the life of a sinner, the power of sin is broken, and righteousness takes over.
Man is a spirit, he lives in a body, and he has a soul. The soul is where his mind, will, and emotions are. However, it’s the spirit of man that’s born again and receives eternal life. That’s the reason someone can be born again but still has a devil oppressing his body, or still takes the wrong thoughts, allowing the devil to manifest himself in his thinking. But the Bible says, “…Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Christ shouldn’t only be manifested in your spirit, but also in your soul and body.
When He’s manifested in your soul, you’ll think the thoughts of God, have His emotions, and do His will. If you’re sick today, this is what you need: the manifestation of Christ in that part of your body that’s afflicted! Romans 8:10 says if Christ be in you, though the body be dead because of sin, the Spirit gives it life because of righteousness. Christ in you is the glory of God.
The words of Jesus in John 14:21 & 23 let us know how Christ can manifest Himself in your life; it’s by loving the Lord and keeping His Word. He can show Himself to you, not only by coming into your life and directing you through your spirit, but also by showing Himself alive in your physical body, making you healthy and strong.
If you’re unable to walk, if He’s manifested in your legs, your legs will be healed. If you needed a heart surgery, and He’s manifested in your heart, He’ll give you a new heart. Christ in you is the answer; He’s all you need. Follow Him with all your heart, and give yourself completely to His Word, for an ever-winning and triumphant life.
Further Study:
John 10:10;
Colossians 2:10
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