“Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind” (Psalm 67:1 TLB).
What an inspiring prayer offered here by David! He prays to God to send us around the world with His Gospel—the news of His saving power, and His eternal plan for all mankind. God has a plan for all mankind but not everybody knows about it, and that’s why he prayed to God to send us around the world to tell them. Has it dawned on you that this is your mission in this world? How important it is for us to realize this as our true purpose on earth.
You have a job here on earth; it’s called soul winning. You don’t ask “can I do it”? You do it, for that’s why you’re here. That’s why you’re growing in Christ; that’s why you’re learning the Word; it’s so you can become effective in life as a soul winner. Nothing could be more honorable and worthy of eternal reward than a lifestyle that’s dedicated to soul winning. You’re responsible for those in your sphere of contact; they’re your field of operation! You’re to reach them and touch them with the news of God’s saving power, and unveil to them His eternal purpose for their lives.
It’s God’s eternal purpose to save, heal and deliver all men into their inheritance in Christ. As His Children, we’re His missionaries commissioned to take this message of His saving power to the ends of the earth. This is not optional; it’s your compulsory Christian service. If you’re not in on it, it means something is wrong. The prayer of David in our opening verse was consummated when Jesus ascended to heaven and sent us the Holy Spirit to be with us and live in us. Consequently, you’ve been empowered by the Spirit to fulfill your missionary assignment of taking the news of God’s saving power to the ends of the earth.
Further Study:
2 Corinthians 5:18;
Mark 16:15
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