The Holy Spirit, which is the third person of the Godhead, is the Spirit of God and the Power of God. He is that Spirit that proceeds from the father and is made manifest where the father pleases and in the same wholeness of God as He is on the throne. The Holy Spirit is not in any way lesser than God the Father or God the Son. He is co-equal with God; He is Himself God in all of God’s Omnipotence.
Until we begin to appreciate the Holy Spirit as a person and relate to him as such, we’ll not be able to enjoy the full benefit of his presence. He is a person with a purpose to reveal to us the things that God has prepared for us that love Him, and that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God (1Corinthians 2: 9 – 10 & 12).
A person has a will, emotion and intellect: A will to determine or to take action, emotion to express feelings, and intellect to understand, apprehend or perceive. The Holy Spirit has all of these three.
His will is to dwell in us so that we could have the fullness of his benefits. The Holy Spirit has an unlimited reservoir of intelligence as evidenced in His revelation of hidden wisdom and through revelation of deep truths of God to us (1Corinthians.2:10). The Holy Spirit could be angry, grieved and blasphemed(Ephesians 4:30). He loves us with an everlasting love and has shed His love abroad in our heart (Romans 5:5).
EXERCISE: List other scriptures which help us prove that the Holy Spirit is a person
HE IS ALLOS-PARAKLETORS’ i.e. another comforter of the same kind (John 14:16-20).
The character of the Holy Spirit is properly described in the Greek word, Allos-Parakletos’. The word ‘Allos-Parakletos’ has seven synonyms: Comforter, Counsellor, Teacher, Helper, Strengthener, Intercessor and standby.
He is the Comforter(John 14:16; 2 Cor 1:3)
As a comforter, the Holy Spirit was sent primarily to comfort God’s people. We (Christians) live in a world that is largely anti-God. God, knowing the opposition and persecution we would face as Christians, sent the Holy Spirit to be our source of comfort. The early disciples during the time of persecution walked in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit; and they were greatly multiplied (Acts 9:31).
He is the Counsellor (Is11:2;Rom 8:14)
Have you ever been faced with a moment of great decision? The guidance of the Holy Spirit is available to every child of God. We should all expect the Holy Spirit to be our guide. After all, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God (Romans 8:14) Proverbs 20:27 says, “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly”. To live in continuous victory, we must be led by the Spirit of God.
He is the Helper (Romans 8:26)
Help as define by oxford-advanced learner’s dictionary means “to make it easier for somebody to do something, to assist somebody. The Holy Spirit as our helper assists us to do all that God has called us to do. He makes it easy for us to live successfully as Christians in this corrupt world. There are times when you are faced with a great task and you are wondering how you would succeed. Be sure of this, you are not walking alone. Foe example, Believers’ Loveworld is a ministry that God has marvellously helped. In just a short time of our starting, we have achieved so much, if it were not for the help of the Holy Spirit; we would not have achieved so much. We are conscious of this fact, that is why we know that what we have done so far is just the beginning. With His help, there is no telling what we can do and where we can go. Glory to God!
He is the Strengthener (Phil 4:13; Is 11:2)
God’s Spirit gives strength to man. Paul declared that he could do all things through Christ who strengthens him. Isaiah 11:2 calls Him the Spirit of might. In the Old Testament, men like David, Samson, Elijah etc, did mighty things by the power of the Spirit. In our days we can do much more. I heard the story of a woman whose son got involved in a car accident, when she got to the car she single handily lifted up the car and rescued the son. People who saw her were amazed. Afterwards four strong men couldn’t lift up the car. The Holy Spirit resident in our spirit is a source of great strength. If we stay full of Him, we can never experience defeat in our lives.
He is the Intercessor (Romans 8:26)
An intercessor is one who stands in the gap for another. According to Romans 8:26, “we don’t always know what to pray for as we ought to…”We can’t possibly know in our natural mind everything we should pray about in every circumstance and situation. The Holy Spirit assists us in our prayers with groaning that cannot be uttered in articulate speech.
He is the Teacher (1 Cor 2:9-11; 1 John 2:20; John 16:13)
As a teacher, the Holy Spirit carried on the ministry of Jesus, which was to a large extent a teaching ministry. When we receive the Holy Spirit, He indwells our spirit man; He serves as a teacher to our spirit. We must realize that the things of God cannot be understood by the natural mind, but they are revealed to our spirits; it is with our spirit that we contact God. As a teacher, He reveals to us the hidden mysteries of the kingdom of God. Non-Christians cannot understand why we do the things we do. But we have unction from the Holy one and we know all things. Most times, when I want to study God’s Word I pray this simple prayer, “O blessed Holy Spirit, unveil the truth unto my spirit that I may stand in the fullness of the provision of my father, for He is my father, I love Him and He Loves me”. He has made studying God’s Word a joyful experience for me.
He is the Standby (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Anytime we are in church during a service and there is an interruption in power supply, we always put on our standby generator. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the standby, in John 14:17, Jesus said the Holy Spirit shall be in us and with us. Paul went through different experiences that revealed certain weaknesses in his life. The good thing was that even in the midst of his weakness, the Holy Spirit was at hand to strengthen him. We can also enjoy this ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. There are times when we are overwhelmed by issues and circumstances that reveal weaknesses in us. At such times we should remember the Holy Spirit as our standby. God has promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
The scriptures let us know that the Spirit has been poured out on all flesh (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17). This means the Holy Spirit has been made available for all to receive. The only requirement for receiving the Holy Spirit is for one to be born again. (Acts 2:38-39). The Holy Spirit responds to hunger and fills those Christians who desire Him (Luke 11:13; Isaiah 44:3).
Fellowship is explained in the Chamber’s English dictionary as “Companionship”. The dictionary further calls it a “Lying together”. It is a relationship, a process that circles around two or more individuals. It is an affair. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is a love affair between the Spirit of God and us. The word fellowship is best described by the Greek work “Koinonia”. Koinonia is an all round word for fellowship, which gives a further insight into three words: Communication, Communion and Transportation.
It is the transference of information between two or more individual with feedback. In our fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we are engaged in communication with Him. A communication that comes about as a result of our relationship with him. We speak to Him knowing that he will surely answer (1 John 5:14-15).
This is oneness, togetherness, a binding, a gluing and identification. Communion with the Holy Spirit tells us who we are, and that we are one with Him, “For by one spirit we are all baptized into one body and have all been made to drink into one spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).
This is the conveyance (movement) of goods and people from one place to another. You may ask how this concerns the Christian and his relationship with the Holy Spirit. There are times when you fellowship with the Holy Spirit and He will carry you (John 13:12).
The life of the Christian should be different, and this can be made possible only by the infilling of the Holy Spirit. In John 16:12-13, Jesus Himself said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth…” The unbeliever does not know the things to come, but the Holy Spirit reveals this to the Christian. The Christian is the man that has hope in this world.
The Holy Spirit makes the life of the Christian fruitful. Without Him, the life of the Christian is like a flower that does not receive daily nutrient. (Isaiah 32:15). This is the difference between the Spirit filled Christian and the Christian that is not filled with the Holy Spirit. With the infilling of the Holy Spirit, any dryness in the Christian turns to fruitfulness and fruitfulness to abundance (forest). The person of the Holy Spirit is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can be effective witnesses of the death, burial and resurrection of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said to his disciples that they would receive power. After the Holy Spirit is come upon them (Acts 1:8). This power is to enable them fulfil the ministry that he has called them into. All Christians have been called into this ministry (Ephesians 4:12); Luke 4:17-18 records our function or responsibilities in this ministry. The Holy Spirit empowers all Christians to do the following:
a) Preach the Gospel to the poor.
b) Heal the broken hearted
c) Preach deliverance to the captives
d) Recovery of sight to the blind
e) Set at liberty them that are bruised
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. He helps the Christians to live victorious lives, through His character: Comforter, Counsellor, Teacher, Helpers, Strengtheners, Intercessor and Standby. It is very vital for a Christian to be intimately related to Him, by constantly fellowshipping with Him.
Class Review
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What is Trinity?
Name the seven synonyms of the Holy Spirit
Students should be made to explain each synonym
What is the importance of the Holy Spirit?
How can you describe the fellowship of the Holy Spirit?
How does the Holy Spirit minister through Christians?
What brings the knowledge of the Holy Spirit into significance?
What does ALLOS – PARAKLETOS mean?
Is it true that every Christian can receive the Holy Spirit? Support your argument with a scriptural verse.
Fellowship with just the Holy Spirit is a love affair between us and the Spirit. Discuss.
The Holy Spirit can make a difference is our lives circumstances and our pursuits. True of False?
States the things the Holy Spirit empowers you to do.