“That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee” (Exodus 4:5).
Always, God uses those seemingly “little” things you have to produce a miracle for you. Take Moses for example, the Lord gave him a task that looked impossible from the natural standpoint; he was to liberate about six million Israelites from the clutches of a harsh Pharaoh. Moses, asked the Lord, “What if they don’t believe you sent me?” The Lord then asked him, “What is that in your hand?” Moses looked, saw his shepherd’s rod in his hand, and said “a rod.” He could have said “nothing” because a shepherd’s rod didn’t exactly have any connection with the discussion at hand. However, he answered wisely, and that rod became the miracle-producing rod of God.
Also, in 2 Kings 4:1-7, there’s the account of a certain widow who cried out to Elisha the Prophet for help after her two sons were taken as slaves in payment for her husband’s debt. Elisha asked her, “What do you have in your house?” All she had was a small bottle of oil. She could have said, “nothing” and that would have robbed her of her miracle. Then Elisha told her to go borrow as many empty jars as possible, and she and her sons should go into the house, close the door, and pour the oil into the jars, setting aside each one that was full. From the proceeds, the woman paid off her debt and became an oil distributor..
Don’t be surprised when you think you’re in need and yet the Lord is asking you to give what you have. At such times, be smart to recognize that a miracle is about to happen for you, for He’ll bless and multiply back to you whatever you present to Him. Whatever you have is God’s point of contact to bless you; learn to present what you have to Him in faith, and He’ll multiply it back to you.
Further Study:
Mark 6:37-44