We, however, are citizens of heaven, and we eagerly wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come from heaven (Philippians3:20 GNB).
When Jesus came to this world, He came with as much heaven as He could live by, and bless the world with. Let’s illustrate it this way. Imagine you’re from the United Kingdom, and you’re the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to South Africa, you’d be living in your embassy in South Africa as though you were in the United Kingdom. Everything necessary for you to live the life in the United Kingdom would be made available to you, even though the house you live in is situated in South Africa.
Now, when you come out of that house, you’ll have all the rights of a diplomat from the United Kingdom, but when you meet with the people of South Africa, you deal with them as South Africans.
Nevertheless, you know that you’re from the United Kingdom. You can only help them with as much of the United Kingdom that you came to South Africa with. When you enter the Embassy of the United Kingdom, the rules of the United Kingdom apply. Yet, there is a country called the United Kingdom away from you; but you have brought as much life with you from the United Kingdom to South Africa in line with what the rules allow.
The Lord Jesus did the same thing. As much as the rules allowed, He brought heaven in Him to earth. He brought it in His heart, because the Holy Spirit lived inside Him. He came with the throne of God in His heart. No wonder He was such a blessing to the world!
The same applies to the Christian. A Christian is more than a religious person; he’s one who is born again, and by reason of the New Birth, has been translated into the Kingdom of God, and now lives in heaven, in the earth. He’s one with as much heaven as he can carry. Hallelujah.
If you’re born again, you carry the throne of God in your heart. You’re thus heaven’s ambassador to this world. Therefore, preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. Bless the world with the grace and glory of heaven that’s in you.
Further Study:
Hebrews 12:22-24