TO THE BIBLE: James 1:18
“Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures”
When God says you’re a kind of firstfruits of His creatures, He means you’re the first and the best among all that He created. Isn’t that amazing! He created a lot of beautiful stuff, yet he says you’re His first and His best.
This lets you know God didn’t create you to be a failure in life; neither does He enjoy watching you wallow in anxiety and self-pity. Rather, He wants you to look into His Word, discover the awesome potentials He’s placed within you, and then unveil them to the world. In Isaiah 43:7, He says, “Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” That means God made you for His glory.
Learn to take pleasure in your uniqueness; delight in your peculiarity, because no other person can be exactly like you. You’re specially favoured of God, and your distinctiveness can’t be imitated. You need not struggle to outdo anyone. Just look inwards and let the Holy Spirit help you bring forth your true value.
Go Deeper: Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 2:9
My life is for the glory of God. His beauty, excellence, and grace are manifested through me. I know who I am – His first and His Best. And I walk daily in light of this reality. I’m fulfilling my destiny in God, bringing forth fruits unto His praise and glory. Amen.
Take your notepad and make a caption like this: “Who God says I am.” As you study your Bible every day, note the things God says about you under this caption.