…I labor [unto weariness], striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles {and} works within me” (Colossians 1:29 AMP).
God’s purpose is for you to experience an unending flow of the supernatural every day of your life until it becomes the norm. For example, as human beings, we live the human life unconsciously; we go about our normal human activities without taking special notice that we’re acting like human beings. You’ve never had to doubt whether or not you’re human nor did you wake up one morning expecting to start barking like a dog or wagging your tail like some other animal. .
In the same way, you must live the inherent God-life in you from inside out, naturally! That’s the Christian life; it’s an endless flow of the supernatural. But for this to happen, you must inundate your mind with God’s Word and thoughts from the Spirit of God! You must consciously practice the God-life by practicing the Word, until it becomes an unconscious lifestyle. This is God’s dream for His children.
The reason many of God’s children live as ordinary men, instead of living the supernatural life God has called us to is their ignorance of the Word: “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness…” (Psalm 82:5). It’s important that you fill your mind with God’s Word continually, and realize that you’re not ordinary.
That way, you’d be able to appropriate the blessings of the supernatural life in Christ and experience an unending flow of the miraculous—EVERYDAY!
Mark 1:14-15;
Matthew 9:35 Psalm 82:5-7