To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
Christianity is the unveiling of Christ in you. It’s the outworking of the Word of God in a human person. The Christian, essentially, is the expression of the Word of God; the image of the Word, such that every step you take, and all the things you do are the outworkings of the Word of God. That’s what Jesus was when He walked the earth; He was the unveiling of the Word: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14).
He was the manifestation of God; the express image of His person. Now that you’re in Christ, you’re the express image of Christ. You’re Christ alive in your world today. In your family, work place, neighbourhood, city, and country—in that place where you are—you’re the Christ that they see.
Therefore, the words you speak, the life you live, the way you do the things you do, should express the Christ-life. When people look at you, they should see the glory of the new creation. You’re a God-carrying vessel; you make manifest the savour of His knowledge and glory in every place (2 Corinthians 2:14). His presence is evident in your words and deeds; He manifests His love, power, compassion, and grace to the world today through you. Carry this consciousness with you every day, that Christ is alive in you, blessing lives, and changing generations.
God’s dream for your life is that Christ will express Himself through you; and that’s true success—the image of Christ in you—how much His personality and character are revealed through you. Your goal, therefore, should be to be more and more like Him; talking like Him, and relating to others like Him. Everything you do should be about the manifestation of Christ in you—His excellence expressed through you, for you’re His living tabernacle.
Further Study:
John 1:14;
Colossians 1:27