TO THE BIBLE: Hebrews 11:3
“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”
God made the whole world by speaking forth His Word. He called forth the light, land, and sea creatures, as well as everything else that He made. He had inside Him the kind of earth He desired but He needed to speak forth the Word to bring to pass what He desired. Each time He spoke, the Holy Ghost acted on those words and caused what God spoke forth to appear. This is also true about you, as God’s child, for you’re made in His image and in His likeness.
The Greek word translated “framed” in the opening scripture is “Katartizo,” which is to repair, frame, perfect, mend, or restore. In other words, the worlds were repaired, framed, mended, restored and perfected by God’s words of faith. This lets us understand the power of faith, because that’s how God framed the visible world from the unseen. Also, the word “worlds” is derived from the Greek word “Aion,” which refers to the structure and administration of one’s life; how things go with you from day to day, including how they affect your hopes and aspirations.
So you see, you can “frame” the circumstances of your life to conform to the image you have in your spirit. There’s a creative power in you, a divinely enabled ability to create the kind of life or environment you desire. You can alter your destiny and change the course of your life by speaking words in faith and calling forth the things you desire to see in your life. This is the key to recreating your world and living in victory continually. Start speaking and calling forth today what you want to see in your life, and the Holy Ghost will incubate your words and make them a reality.
Go Deeper
Job 22:28; Mark 11:23; 2 Corinthians 4:13
Dear Father, I declare in the Name of Jesus that the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; I’m experiencing fruitfulness, peace, prosperity and productivity in every area of my life, for you have perfected all that concerns me, therefore I experience absolute success and victory today, and declare that everything in my life is perfected in line with your will and destiny for my life. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 6, Psalms 119:1-112
Luke 18:1-8, 1 Samuel 7-8
It doesn’t matter what has happened in your “aion”—your world— recreate, frame, restore and perfect everything by declaring faith-filled words today.