(Talk To The Lord One-On-One)
One beautiful thing about the Lord Jesus is how He loves relating with you as though you’re the only one in the world.
To The Bible Luke 12:6-7 TLB
“What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Not much more than that. Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And he knows the number of hairs on your head! Never fear, you are far more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows.”
The Lord Jesus is interested in you, yes you! He loves you personally and relates with you as though you’re the only one in the world. He doesn’t need anyone to remind Him about you: He loves you passionately, more than your closest pal on earth ever could (John 15:12-15). That’s why He died in the first place–because of His great love for you (John 3:16), and if you had been the only one on earth, He would still have come to die for you.
He loves you as a person; He knows your name and relates with you as a unique individual. Nobody was ever like you before you were born; no one is like you today in the whole world, and nobody will ever be like you. You’re the only one of you that God ever had and will ever have. You’re personal to him and special.
Life is personal, just like your salvation and relationship with the Lord. Don’t use the experiences of others to determine how you ought to live your life. What matters is how you hear from the Lord and respond to Him. This is why He wants you to relate with Him personally, as you would with your closest friend.
Go Deeper Isaiah 49:16
I’m special to God and He relates with me in a unique way. Therefore, I go about today with the consciousness that I have all of God’s attention, and He loves me deeply and passionately.
Study the lives of great men in the Bible–Abraham, Moses and David–and see how the Lord related with each of them personally.