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lang="en-US"> Jesus Christ, the manifest Word of God. - Christian Daily Devotional
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Jesus Christ, the manifest Word of God.

Sent to Light Up the Dark Places

For the earth will be loaded up with the information of the greatness of the LORD, as the waters cover the ocean. (Habakkuk 2:14)

God will likely have the entire earth immersed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is His capacity to spare those that trust (Romans 1:16). Unfortunately, there are places where the Gospel is yet to flourish in the hearts of men; there you’d discover savagery and underhandedness in task. In Psalm 74:20, the psalmist alludes to such places as ‘the dim spots of the earth.’ The uplifting news is: God previously gave an answer; He sent His Word (Psalm 107:20).

God’s answer was bundled in an individual – Jesus Christ, the manifest Word of God. That is the reason Jesus stated, “I am the light of the world… ” (John 8:12). Strangely, He said to us the extremely thing He said about Himself: “ye are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). This implies as He was the answer for the dimness, so are we. We are currently God’s answer and arrangement. No big surprise He said “…As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21).

He has given our lives a significance, and has sent us as lights to convey enlightenment to the lives of those in our reality. This is your purpose in life. On the off chance that there was obscurity some place, when you appear, the haziness and brutality are dissipated. Try not to be calm. Light your present reality by ending the nurturing Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the unsaved in your reality and past. Thank heaven!

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