To The Bible: Jeremiah 4:3 AMP
“…Break up your ground left uncultivated for a season, so that you may not sow among thorns.”
When an agriculturalist is about to cultivate his land, there are several things he does to make the soil ready to receive the seeds. First, he ploughs it by digging and breaking up the soil. Then he fertilizes the land before he starts sowing his seeds. It’s the same for you as a Christian. Your heart is like a piece of land that needs to be cultivated before it can receive seed, which is the Word of God.
God’s Word will produce in you what it talks about- prosperity, peace, joy, abundance, health and victory. But if your heart isn’t prepared to receive the Word, it won’t produce the desired results in your life. What you’ve got to do is to prepare your heart by speaking in tongues. This stirs up the power of God in you, making it easier for God’s Word to get into your spirit and sink into your consciousness. Then fertilize it by praying. Through prayer, your spirit is positioned rightly to receive God’s Word.
So, always keep your heart cultivated; never allow it lie fallow. As you do this consistently, you’ll keep experiencing a harvest of God’s Word in your life.
Go Deeper: Luke 8:11-15
As I consistently cultivate my spirit, I make it a suitable environment for the Word of God to grow and produce results in my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Spend the next few minutes praying in tongues.