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lang="en-US"> HIS NAME REPRESENTS AUTHORITY - Christian Daily Devotional
Site icon Christian Daily Devotional



That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11).

Angels, demons and all of nature are obliged to obey any instruction issued in the Name of Jesus, because that name represents authority—all authority in heaven, and in earth. When you use the Name of Jesus, never think “Will it work, or will it not work”; there shouldn’t be any room for doubt!

The teaching on faith has caused many Christians to stumble in this area. The truth is: you really don’t need to muster faith to use the Name of Jesus. When you ask the Father anything in the Name of Jesus, He doesn’t consider whether or not you have faith because He already dealt to you the measure of faith (Romans 12:3).

If you didn’t have faith, you wouldn’t know Jesus. You live in His Name; you’re in Christ. Therefore, when it comes to using His Name it’s a matter of authority. Jesus said concerning the believing ones, “…In my name, they shall cast out devils…” (Mark 16:17). Any believer can cast out devils by the authority of Christ.

This is akin to the police officer who stands to control traffic on the road; He doesn’t need any faith. When he raises his hand to signal, “Stop,” you have to comply. The authority that put him there in the first place is all that he needed. In the same way, the day you were born again, you were given authority over Satan and every demon of darkness.

At the Mount of Transfiguration, God spoke out of heaven concerning Jesus, saying, “…This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him” (Matthew 17:5). Everything in the universe—animate or inanimate; everything has intelligence and have been commanded to hear and obey Jesus. God gave the same decree on your behalf when you confessed the Lordship of Jesus over your life to be born again. Everything God made has intelligence. All of nature has been commanded to hear and obey as you make decrees in the Name of Jesus. You stand in His stead; in His Name, you have the authority to tame the world and subdue nature!

Further Study:
Matthew 28:18-19;
Luke 10:19 (NKJV)

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