(Stir Up The Divine Energy Within You)
TO THE BIBLE: 1 Corinthians 14:4 AMP
“He who speaks in a [strange] tongue edifies and improves himself….”
Alvin loved to have his outreach meetings in open fields, and in such outreaches, so many beautiful things happen. However, he wanted to see mightier works. So, one evening, he decided to pray all night in tongues before the next meeting, for several hours. As he prayed, he became super “charged” in the Holy Ghost and full of the anointing! And when the morning came, awesome miracles resulted and people received healings of all kinds. He was truly amazed at the things he saw, and it was a glorious meeting indeed.
That’s the divine energy at work! One of the synonyms for the Greek word in 1 Corinthians 14:4 translated “edify” is to charge, like you would a battery. That’s exactly what Alvin did. The energy was there all the while, but he had to stir up this energy in his spirit through his praying. You, too, can learn to stir up and turn on that power in you as you pray. You can glow in your spirit just like an electric bulb, that glows when the filament is electrified.
When you speak in other tongues, your spirit is charged and dominates your mind! Whereas there was fear in your mind, your spirit will rise like a giant from within and dominate your outward being. Paul said to Timothy, “…Stir up the gift of God which is in you…” (2 Timothy 1:6). One of the ways to do this is speaking in tongues! This is how you get charged in the spirit and embolden yourself. Is there any challenge before you that seems insurmountable? Are there projects you want to undertake, and you’re somewhat not sure what steps to take? Activate the wisdom and power of God by praying in the Holy Ghost, until you’re filled with the Spirit. Refuse to live an ordinary life. There’s power in you; stir it up always.
Go Deeper
Ephesians 5:18; Acts 1:8; Jude 1:20
My life is excellent and full of glory, because I’m continually filled with the Spirit. I function from a vantage position of boldness, audacity and victory in Christ Jesus, where I don’t struggle but enjoy a blissful life of success, and unending streams of the miraculous, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Luke 9:37-62, Joshua 16-19
Romans 6:12-23, Psalm 106
Get a quiet, secluded place, and speak in tongues until you know you are full of the anointing.
My Notes
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