Eternal Life Is Yours Now!
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
“And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 JOHN 5:11-12)
Some Christians think they’ll begin to live eternal life when they get to heaven. If you think eternal life starts when you get to heaven, you’ll miss out while you’re here on earth! Eternal life starts right here on earth. John said this life – eternal life – is in God’s Son Jesus and whosoever has the Son also has this life. He was simply reiterating the words of the Lord in John 5:24-26 where He said, “…as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.”
If you’ve confessed the Son Jesus Christ and made Him Lord of your life, then His very life has been imparted to you and will dominate you. When Jesus came into your life, light came in and all the darkness left. Now that He resides in you, your life has ceased to be an ordinary human life. For you, eternal life has already begun right here on earth.
This is what we have; this is who we are, and we must always be conscious of this identity. We’re not ordinary people. We’re born in God’s class of being; we have an inheritance in God. We have the essence of divinity, the eternal life of Almighty God in us. Hallelujah!
All we need to do now is stick with God’s Word and keep saying it. Keep declaring what you have and before long it will become evident for all to see. Notice that ‘saying’ or ‘declaring’ is a continuous process, it’s not something you do just once, a few times or once in a while; there must be a consistency about it. No heir says he is an heir one day and tomorrow forgets his heritage. He maintains that consciousness and that way, nobody can deny him his inheritance. You are an heir of God and eternal life is your inheritance.
JOHN 4:14; JOHN 5:24; JOHN 10:27-28