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lang="en-US"> DON’T NEGLECT SPIRITUAL DETAILS - Christian Daily Devotional
Site icon Christian Daily Devotional



Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life (Proverbs 4:13).

As you walk with the Lord, and carry out that which He instructs you to do, you must painstakingly pay attention to spiritual details because of their importance. Moses, for example, learnt this the hard way. In Numbers 20:8, God instructed him, “Take the rod, and …speak ye unto the rock…and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water….”

Moses didn’t know how important it was when God told him to talk to the rock. The instruction to speak to the rock was of spiritual significance which he ignored and struck the rock instead. It was the mistake of his life. The instruction seemed so light to Moses, but the rest of his ministry was hinged on it; he didn’t know it. Moses, however, wouldn’t be the one to lead the children of Israel to the Promised Land, because of this error.

In serving the Lord, it’s very important that you always listen to the details of His instructions, however insignificant to the flesh they might sound. God’s Word is God’s instruction. Live your life, not according to man’s instructions, information or opinions, but according to the Word. God leads you in the path of greatness by giving you clear and specific instructions to follow. It’s not about what somebody advises or instructs you to do; the question is, “What is God’s instruction in His Word about it?”

This is why I love the Bible, because it’s God’s instruction manual for a glorious life. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” Do you want to have an excellent life, full of glory and success? There’s a way: Follow God’s Word; don’t neglect the details in His instructions.

Always remember that His wisdom is greater than man’s wisdom; therefore, be sensitive to the guidance He gives you through the Word, and by the Holy Spirit, and you’ll have a beautiful and exceptional life, and gloriously fulfil His calling and destiny for your life.

Further Study:
Proverbs 8:33;
Proverbs 23:12

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