Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Monday, December 17 , 2018
(Develop Your Spirit And Soar High)
Pastor Chris
Acts 20:32
“So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
Have you ever observed birds, and how they fly? Some can only fly at a certain height. A duck, for instance, may fly higher and longer than a chicken, but it can’t sustain itself like a sparrow. And as fast and as wonderfully a sparrow may fly, it can never fly as high as an eagle and sustain itself in the air. It’s like airplanes too; some can only fly between thirty to thirty-eight thousand feet above sea level. Some can fly at forty thousand feet, and can’t go higher, no matter how they try. But some can fly at sixty thousand feet.
Spiritually, it’s the same. Some Christians are “flying” very high while some aren’t. Some want to fly high but they can’t, because they haven’t developed their spirit life for that level; so, when trouble strikes, they’re overwhelmed and rattled by the turbulence. But the one who has developed his spirit, soars like an eagle; he has the “speed” and “lift” to go above turbulence. It makes no difference what your present situation is; if you’d develop your spirit, you’ll always rise above the turbulence.
“So how do I develop my spirit?” you ask. Well, God tells us in Joshua 1:8 to meditate on His Word. That’s the secret for training and developing your spirit for success. That’s how you programme your spirit for the triumphant life of ever-increasing glory. Practise meditating on the Word of God. When you study the Word, don’t just read through; capture it into your heart, and learn to give the Word first place in your life.
Go Deeper
1 Timothy 4:15; Isaiah 40:30-31
Dear Father, I thank you for the glorious life I’ve received in Christ Jesus. I keep my gaze on your Word, walking in the consciousness of my divine origin and heritage! Thank you for making me triumphant always, and in every place, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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Daily Bible Reading
Revelation 9:1-21, Ezekiel 45-46
John 21:13-25, 2 Chronicles 31
Spend some time to speak in tongues and prophesy God’s Word to yourself right now for at least fifteen minutes, and get your spirit soaring in the spirit.