(Go Beyond Sympathy And Help The Needy)
TO THE BIBLE: Matthew 14:14
“And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.”
One day, Jesus and His disciples went to the city of Nain. At the city gate, they encountered a wailing crowd that bore the corpse of a young man. He had just passed on and was the only son of his mother, a widow. When Jesus saw the woman, he felt her sorrow and had compassion on her. “Dear woman, don’t weep anymore,” He said. But that wasn’t all He did. Jesus touched the open coffin in which the corpse lay and said, “Young man, arise.” Instantly, the dead man arose and began to speak. While the crowd stood astonished, Jesus presented the lad to his mother (Luke 7:11-15).
Compassion is the quality of recognising the suffering of another with the desire to alleviate their suffering. It’s a compelling motivation to take away the pains of another. That was what Jesus did at Nain and on several other occasions. The Bible lets us know that God is full of compassion and mercy (Psalm 78:38). His compassion is inexhaustible. He demonstrated it when, out of love, He gave His Son, Jesus to die for the sins of the world. His compassion for us motivated Him to action.
Compassion is a motivator; it’s a quality that compels you to action. That’s what distinguishes it from sympathy. Sympathy is when one feels pity but doesn’t act. Don’t just sympathise with people but be moved to produce a change in their situation. Like your heavenly Father, be full of compassion, and let that compassion motivate you to help the very needy and hurting people around you.
Go Deeper
Jude 1:22-23; Mark 6:34
Dear Father, thank you for filling my heart with your love, kindness and compassion. Just like Jesus, I’m compelled and motivated by compassion to alleviate the suffering of others today by sharing the good news of your love with them, and taking other conscious steps to alleviate their hurts and pain. As I do, miracles follow in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, Psalms 139-141
Colossians 3:1-11, Jeremiah 12
Look out for those in your neighbourhood who are in need of God’s love; demonstrate God’s compassion towards them.
My Notes
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